Our Philosophy
Our Main Philosophy
Allah is One & Unique, He has no partner.
Hazrat Muhammad (SM) is the dearest friend of Allah and the reason for creation.
Allah is the Rabbul Alamin (Lord of the Worlds) and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the Rahmatallil Alamin (Mercy for the Worlds).
Help from Allah can be gained with the blessings of Rahmatallil Alamin (Mercy for the worlds).
It is possible to have didar (holy meeting) of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the lifetime of a man.
Complete Of Mohammadi Islam
1. Shariat
All the guidelines to follow the Islamic way of life is Shariat.
2. Tariqat
The way of practice by which a man can reach Allah and the Prophet (PBUH).
3. Haqiqa
Haqiqat is a state by which truth can be experienced.
4. Marifat
Marifat refers to the mystical knowledge about the Creator and creations.
Our Teachings
1) Self-purification
3) Concentration in prayer
2) Awakening heart
4) To become a beloved of the Prophet (PBUH)
Our Beliefs

1. Seeking peace

We, human beings are the best creation of Allah. But we have been so much immersed in sins at the instigation of six evil instincts that we are always in unrest losing that excellence of superiority. In fact, Islam refers to peace. We believe that the essence of peace certainly lies in religion. It is possible to establish peace in an individual’s life by applying the formula of peace from the holy scripture Al Quran and the messages of the Prophet (PBUH) Hadith. This peace of an individual’s character will be flowing from him to his family, society, and even all over the world. As Islam means peace it is surely not a myth or fiction; it is a religion of peace in reality. Indeed, a person can establish this Islam or peace in his life submitting himself to Allah through the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Peace will surely get established in the lives of those who can completely submit themselves to the great Lord. The Great Sustainer states in the holy Quran,”Such are the ones who believe and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in Allah’s remembrance do hearts find rest. So those who believe and do good are destined for happiness and a blissful end.”[Sura:Ar-Raad,verse: 28,29]
2. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was not poor

The Prophet of the World Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was the king of the two worlds(earthly life and afterlife). He was born in an affluent family. His grandfather Abdul Motaleb was the ruler of Makkah of the then Arab. His grandfather from the mother side Wahab Ibn Abd Manaf was the chieftain of the clan Banu Johrah from Madina and a renowned businessman as well. His father Hz. Abdullah (As.) was a rich merchant of that time. When the father of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) died during the time he was in his mother’s womb, he (Abdullah) was also on a business tour. The richest woman of Arab of that time Mother Khadiza (R:) handed over all of her stable and unstable properties to the Prophet (PBUH) after her marriage to the Prophet (PBUH). With these properties added to his paternal properties, he became richer. After migration from Makkah to Madina, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) became the emperor of Madina. In addition to these, he owned huge properties from twenty-seven wars during his lifetime. But the conspirators made propaganda that he was totally poor; tied stones to his stomach to resist hunger; worked as a gardener in the orchard of a jew. But Allah, the great sustainer states in the Holy Quran, “O the Prophet (PBUH)! I found you in need and made you affluent afterward.”[Sura:Du’ha,verse:8].The Prophet (PBUH) says,”Verily Allah is the bestower and I’m the distributor.”[Meshkat Sharif,page:32]

3. Loving the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

We believe that loving the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) refers to Iman (faith). A man is a believer as much as he can love him (Muhammad-PBUH). If we need to have mercy and love of Allah, we have to get it by loving Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). It is never possible to receive mercy from Allah, without having love for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and following him. So, it is possible to receive blessings and bounties from Allah in all miseries, diseases, and financial crises by sending Darud and Salam to the Merciful Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).In addition to this, we can have spiritual development if we recite Milad Sharif on any occasion of happiness in our life and our daily activities of religion. Allah, the Most Merciful states in the Holy Quran to make us understand the necessity of loving the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)- Say(O Prophet):”If you(really) love Allah, then follow me, and Allah will love you and forgive you your sins.”[Sura:Al-Imran,verse:31]. Hazrat Anas(R:) narrated- the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Nobody of you will be a believer as long as you’ll be able to love me more than your parents, children, and all other things of your life.”[Sahi Bukhari:15]
4. Allah is not formless

Allah Himself says in the Holy Quran that He is ‘One’.’One’ is a mathematical number. As ‘One’ is a number, it is countable. And as it countable, it has a form. It is never possible to count something formless. So, Allah is not formless, He has a holy appearance. But His holy appearance is not of flesh and blood like a human being; his holy appearance is complete of Nur (spiritual light).’Allah is formless’- this phrase is completely pointless, unacceptable and conspirational. Only for this word ‘formless’ we don’t worship to reach Allah in this earthly life. Because, there is no way to reach something formless and it is never possible. There are so many examples of the form of Allah in the whole Quran. But we can’t realise it due to our lack of knowledge. There is a statement in the Holy Quran,” O Prophet! Wait patiently for the decision of your Lord; for verily, you are under our eyes.”[Sura:At-Tur,verse:48].Allah states in another verse, “So, wherever you turn, there is the holy face of Allah. “[Sura:Al-Bakarah,verse:115]. Therefore, the holy eyes or face of Allah cannot be formless. Allah states more in other places, “He who desires to meet with his Lord must do good deeds.”[Sura:Al-Kahf;verse:110]. Allah states in another verse, “O mankind! Keep worshiping your Lord untill you reach Him, then you will have a holy meeting of Him (Allah). [Sura:Al-Inshiqaq;verse:06]. Allah states more in another verse,” I(Allah) exist in your Qalb (spiritual heart), don’t you see me?” [Sura:Az-Zariat;verse:21]. In these verses mentioned above Allah talks about his holy meeting. But it is not possible to meet an existence that is formless or to see it. In this way, it is proved through more than four thousand of Quranic verses that Allah has form, He is not amorphous.

5. Didar (holy meeting) of Allah is Possible and it is Indispensable

Allah created human beings as His representative. We have lost the qualities of representation due to our Self-conceit. A representative will have contact with his Lord, he will know his Lord, he will constantly be connected with his Lord- it is a very eternal law. This is very natural that a worshipper or seeker will be deeply absorbed in worship or meditation and thus he will have holy meeting of his Lord in himself. Allah states in Holy Quran in this regard,”The believers believe that they will have didar (holy meeting) of their Lord and return to Him. [Sura:Al-Bakarah;verse:46]. Allah states in another verse of the Quran, “O Prophet! You give the good news to believers- Be informed, you will surely have holy meeting of your Lord.[Sura:Bakarah;verse:22]. Allah states, “The man who desires holy meeting of his Lord must be righteous and not share partner with his Lord in worship.”[Sura:Kahf;verse:113].Allah states more in the holy Quran, “I exist in your Qalb (the spiritual heart) don’t you see me?” [Sura:Az-Zariat,verse:21]. It is proved through these verses from holy Quran that the Didar (holy meeting) of Allah is mandatory for everybody. Allah states in verse no:45 of Sura Younus, “Those who denied the holy meeting of Allah are ruined and they were not on the path of Truth.”